Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Advice from college students

I recently had the opportunity to sit down and have a conversation with current college students, The #1 Advice they gave me was not to Procrastinate, Your going to be exposed to may things in college, sometimes having the choice to study for your final or hanging with your friends. The best advice I received was to manage your time wisely, Creating a balance between school and a social life.

My Location

Being privileged enough to have visited Fresno many times I have had the opportunity to experience some of the different locations that Fresno has to offer. My location would be Woodward Regional Park, As you know Fresno has an extreme climate, Many of the times the only thing your focusing on is how to stay cool. From my perspective Woodward provides the perfect necessity in order to escape the harsh heat and swim around in a natural lake.

My Major!

When I attend Fresno State my major will be Biology. I chose Biology as my major because it directly relates to the career I want to pursue in my future. I have the opportunity to work one on one with professors. What really caught my attention was how prestige the major is. Biology will give me the opportunity to attend medical school and ultimately become a Pediatrician.

Clubs that interested me

Clubs that interested me primarily had to do with sports. Having played Volleyball and Soccer in high school I would not mind joining co-ed  soccer and volleyball Clubs. Other then sports an organization that caught my attention was the Hispanic Scholarship Organization, It offers an atmosphere where students and professors can network among themselves much like this class. They have the opportunity to participate in outreach activities, For example, They visit local middle schools in order to inform them of the importance of attending college and the need of scholarships.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fresno State school pride

One of the reasons I chose to attend Fresno State was because of how much school spirit it has. When I first visited Fresno I was astonished to see how many people were wearing Fresno State sweaters. As I walked through the town I saw that every person was wearing red. That same day I learned that its a tradition for the whole town to wear red whenever their is a home football game.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Clubs and Activities







Chicano Health Education

Hispanic Scholarship Club

Social Work and Studies

Fresno State Soccer Club

Hispanic Business Student Association 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


The purpose of this blog is to inform incoming Freshmen what to expect from College Life! Many don't understand that it's a huge transition from High School to College. As an 18 year old you have been given an endless amount of freedom for the first time in your life. That is the time when you need to decide whether to use that freedom in a positive or negative way. Now that you have entered college, your going to be exposed to many new things that as a high school student you never experienced. The decisions you make during your freshmen year in college will greatly effect the window of opportunities you will have in the future.